What to do in Vieques

There's a lot of fun stuff to do on Vieques, and our travel guide should have some good pointers on where to get started with:

  • Amazing beaches
  • Bioluminescent Bay
  • Birding
  • Snorkeling
  • Hourseback tours
  • Bio-Bay

    As mentioned in our schedule of events, on Friday, after the beach party, guests are encouraged to visit the Bioluminescent Bay. This is a "must-see". Amy and I went to one on the mainland of Puerto Rico and it was amazing; the one in Vieques is supposed to be far better. To get a sense of what we mean, check out some pictures…those are not Photoshopped!

    Reserving your Trip

    If you haven’t already made a reservation, call today! Tours book up quickly and this is something you should not miss! Here's some places where you can book your tour:

    • Island Adventures (big electric boat tours) — 787-741-0720
    • Blue Caribe (kayak tours) — 787-741-2522
    • Abe’s Snorkeling & Bio-Bay Tours (kayak tours) — 787-741-2134

    Mention Weddings in Vieques to Blue Caribe or Abe’s Snorkeling to get a discounted rate of $25/person

    Other Activities

    Vieques offers a variety of outdoor activities. Here’s a quick list of our recommendations of things to do during our wedding weekend:

    Fun Brothers Jet Ski, Banana Boats, Kayaks & More787-435-9372
    Blue Caribe Kayak787-741-2522
    Abe’s Snorkeling787-741-2134
    Expediciones en Bieque (horseback riding and kayaks)787-435-0073
    Vieques Adventure Company (fly fishing and biking)787-692-9162
    Caribbean Fly Fishing787-450-3744
    Vieques Sport Fishing787-502-3839
    Vieques Massage by Ingrid Bergman787-435-1313